Hello,Stylerinos I'd like to tell you something about the change I made in the last year because I know a lot of people like to read hapiness related blog post and this is defentily one of them it is going to be quite long but be patient I hope it is going to be worth it .
Over the whole summertime I realized something that I was different than all my friends that I was interessted in things they didn't even mind and always felt ways older than my age .I didn't know how to react to this .You know I didn't want to lose my friends but I also didn't feel comfortable in the groupe .I know that so many boys and girls felt and may still feel the same as I did but there is one thing you most know -If you don't feel comfortable with your "friends" you really really really don't have to stay .It is ways better to be alone for some time than be with the complete wrong people .It ins't a bad thing and believe me you will meet new people you like .Especially in teenage time jung adults grow ( physical and mental )different some are less and some are more mature than the others and then you start feeling weird and different .I just didn't want to be in this company anymore .It's not like I pretend that these people aren't there anymore but I just separated from them .Trough my brother I got to know different people who are up to 4 years older than me but I just don't feel this I always think they are the same age as I am and I love them and ( I hope so well the tell me this a lot )the they love me too .It is a good feeling to be in such a company .If you don't have a brother you can join sport groupes or sit with the other girls (or boys) of your class .There are so many ways you can meet new people .Don't be afraid you wan't meet any .Believe me you will .I think it made me kind of sick .But now I feel more free and ways better .
This was a quite long text but it was very personal I hope everyone liked it and tell me if you'd like to have more texts like these :) xoxo Marci
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Hey, really nice Blog. The text is cool, too : D
AntwortenLöschenLove, Lexa
thank you :)